A Note from KP Advisors Founder and President, Katherine Pease:
I am happy to announce that as of July 10, 2017 I have joined the team at Cornerstone Capital Group as the Director of Impact Investing. As a result, KP Advisors will no longer take new clients. I would like to thank all of the clients and partners with whom we have worked for the last 16 years. As a client-centered firm, we have been honored to work with you on our shared commitment to addressing many of the biggest issues confronting society, including widening economic inequality, climate change, and social injustice that is based on race, gender, sexual orientation and other factors. I look forward to continuing to work with you on many of the same issues in my new role with Cornerstone Capital Group.
Cornerstone Capital Group is an SEC-registered Investment advisor focused on helping its client base of individuals, family offices, foundations and endowments to align their investments with their mission, values or interests while seeking to achieve competitive investment returns. Cornerstone works with asset owners, corporations and financial institutions to promote new research in the field of Environmental, Social and Governance analysis. More information is available HERE
As of July 10, 2017 I can be reached at katherine.pease@cornerstonecapinc.com